St. Katharinen Kloster (Sinai) /
St.Katharine monastery
Gegenverkehr, Afrika /
oncoming traffic, Africa

Gizeh Pyramiden, Ägypten /
Gizeh Pyramids, Egypt

Feria de Caballo, Spanien /
Feria de Caballo, Spain

 Klatschmohn (Papaver rhoeas) /
corn poppy

Leberblümchen (Hepatica nobilis) /
„The Hare and Hounds", England
Craigievar Castle, Schottland
Wicklow Hills, Irland
Straßensperre, Irland /
roadblock Ireland
Alberta, Canada, near „Three Sisters"

Kamelkampf, Nordafrika /
camel fighting, northern africa


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